Friday, June 21, 2019

SWA Architecture Weekly Blog

Hello and welcome back to a special Friday rolling blog coming your way fresh from SWA Architecture.  For all you first timers to this blog we like to cover all different sorts of projects that SWA Architecture has been a part of.  SWA Architecture is a very reputable architecture firm located in Manhattan and overlooks projects all over the East coast.

This post we want to take a look at a project we have previously looked at.  Sort of.  Let me explain.  So right around last thanksgiving we showed you a project that was in the design phase.  The post showed you a rendering of what we hoped to erect in upper Manhattan.  It was going to be a huge 14 story multi use building.  Problem was, the community did not much appreciate a building coming in and blocking their views. But, like a great architecture firm, after meeting with community and city agencies we decided to go with a building that is lower and would not obstruct these nice views across the Hudson river.

We are a very malleable firm in the sense that we can change to whatever the client needs us to be.  SWA Architecture are the architects, planners, designers, zoning and code experts for this project.  This is the third project with this client.  Another project we have done with them is 4 St Marks, which we have previously blogged about.  The pictures above and below show the project getting ready for construction.

That's it for the SWA Architecture special Friday rolling blog.  Stay tuned next week for some wonderful projects coming your way!  Also, give us a follow on instagram - @swa_architecture to see all the wonderful projects we have done.

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