Friday, November 16, 2018

SWA Architecture Weekly Blog

Hello and welcome back to the SWA Architecture weekly blog.  The blog unlike any other, where we take an inside view into how projects and what projects are being completed by SWA Architecture in the greater Northeast area.  Today we are hitting you with a bonus post to end the week on a high.  If you didn't see our post yesterday go check it out when your done with this one!

Today we are looking at a Census building located in Brooklyn.  This company is part of the General Services Administration or GSA for short and the US Census Bureau.  As you can tell by the photos this project is still has some ways to go before it is ready to be open.  There are actually two locations being constructed, the other in the Bronx.  SWA Architecture are the architects, expediters and planners for both locations.

For those of you who are unaware of the Census Bureau is, here is your brief lesson of the day.  The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.  Every ten years a new survey is sent to the people of our nation to fill out so they can update all the data to be the most accurate.  The next census will be in 2020.

Well that's it this week for the bonus post from the SWA Architecture weekly blog.  We hope you learned something and hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Also, as we always like to remind you, follow us on instagram and see a comprehensive picture list of all the posts we have done - @swa_architecture

1 comment:

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